Ege’s Test | Weight-Bearing McMurray Test
Ege’s Test (also called the weight-bearing McMurray test) is used to detect a tear of the lateral or medial meniscus of the knee.
It is called the weight-bearing McMurray test because when patients perform this test, they have to put weight on their knees.
How it’s Performed?
Ege’s test is performed in a standing position, the knees are in extension and the patient stands with feet 30-40cm apart.
For Medial Meniscus tears:
- The patient squats with both lower legs in maximum external rotation and then stands up slowly.
- The distance between the knees increases and each knee becomes externally rotated as the squatting proceeds.
- By performing the squat in maximum external rotation, genu varus will be induced.
- The patient squats as far as possible and then returns to the starting position (extension of the knee).
For Lateral Meniscus tears:
- Both lower extremities are held in maximum internal rotation of the knee while the patient squats and stands up.
- The distance between the knees decreases and the knees become internally rotated as the squatting proceeds.
- By performing the squat in maximal internal rotation, genu valgus will be induced.
- The patient squats as far as possible and then returns to the starting position (extension of the knee).
What does a positive Ege’s Test mean?
Ege’s test is positive when pain and/ or a click is felt by the patient at the related site of the joint line.
Pain and/or click are typically felt at around 90° of knee Flexion.
See Also: Knee Meniscus Tear
Sensitivity & Specificity
A Prospective controlled trial, clinical study by Devrim Akseki 1 to compare a new weight-bearing McMurray’s test (Ege’s test) with McMurray’s test and joint line tenderness (JLT). He found the sensitivity, and specificity rates were as following:
- Sensitivity: 67 %
- Specificity: 81 %
- Akseki D, Ozcan O, Boya H, Pinar H. A new weight-bearing meniscal test and a comparison with McMurray’s test and joint line tenderness. Arthroscopy. 2004 Nov;20(9):951-8. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2004.08.020. PMID: 15525928.
- Filardo, G., Andriolo, L., Naouri, J.F., Perdisa, F., Lefevre, N. (2016). Clinical Examination, Standard X-Rays. In: Hulet, C., Pereira, H., Peretti, G., Denti, M. (eds) Surgery of the Meniscus. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Netter’s Orthopaedic Clinical Examination An Evidence-Based Approach 3rd Edition Book
- Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal 3rd Ed. Book
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